(Updated 23/09/24)
Workflow4experimenters (W4E) course 2025:
We are happy to announce the next Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) international course 2025: Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse your own metabolomics data.
Please save the date: Monday 12 May - Friday 16 May 2025 in Rouen (Near Paris), France + Online pre-sessions before the course from 28-30 April (10 to 12 am)
For more information: Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) international course 2025 - Pre-registration closed (Selection on going)
EBI-W4M training: Introduction to Metabolomics Analysis
This course will provide an introduction to metabolomics through lectures and hands-on sessions, using publicly available data, software, and tools. Participants will become familiar with the current state of experimental design, data acquisition (LC-MS, MS imaging), processing, and modelling. In addition, they will learn about community standards and sharing in metabolomics, particularly through using the EMBL-EBI’s MetaboLights repository and Galaxy infrastructure. Participants will learn through hands-on tutorials to use tools available for data analysis and data submission. Additionally, case studies will be used to discuss and show how to employ the week’s learning.
Date: New session in 2025 keep an eye on EMBL-EBI web site
Venue: European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) - Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, United Kingdom
Application opens: closed
Application deadline: -
Participation: Open application with selection / * * * Infos & Registration * * *
Contact: Jane Reynolds - Yann Guitton
Registration fee: £720/ £950 - Including meals and accommodation
Last W4E editions:
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) international course 2024: Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse metabolomics data with webinar session and in person class - Grenoble
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) international course 2023: Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse metabolomics data with webinar session and in person class - Paris
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) international course 2021: Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse metabolomics data - Toulouse
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) international course 2020: Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse metabolomics data - Brussels
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) international course 2018: Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse metabolomics data - Paris
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) european course 2017: Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse metabolomics data - Paris
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) international course 2016: Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse metabolomics data - Roscoff
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) course 2015: Traitement des données métabolomiques sur l'infrastructure online Workflow4Metabolomics - Roscoff
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) course 2014: Initiation au traitement et à l'analyse des données métabolomiques sur la plateforme scientifique web Galaxy IFB-MetaboHUB - Lyon
W4M at Conferences
Galaxy Conf Comm 2024 | Brno, Czech Republic | Pétéra, M. and Saint-Vanne, J. Silver sponsor
16ème JS du RFMF, 2024 | France | Training:- "Découverte de W4M" - W4M coreteam |
Galaxy Conf Comm 2019 | Fribourg, Germany | Talk: "Workflow4metabolomics an international computing infrastructure for metabolomics" - Lecorguillé, G., Pétéra, M. Training: - "Metabolomics data analysis I" - Lecorguillé, G., Pétéra, M. |
Metabolomics 2019 | The Hague, NDL | Workshop: Metabolomics data processing with Introduction to the Galaxy platform W4M including general data pre-processing principles (Dr. Dara Daygon, Dr. Yann Guitton) Practical: Workflow4Metabolomics as a tool for metabolomics data processing (Yann Guitton) |
ELIXIR Galaxy Conference 2018 | Fribourg, Germany | Talk: "W4M: Toward an international computing infrastructure and a tools showcase for Metabolomics" - Lecorguillé, G., Giacomoni, F., Caron,C. |
Galaxy Conference Community 2017 | Montpellier, France | Talk: "W4M: Toward an international computing infrastructure and a tools showcase for Metabolomics" - Lecorguillé, G., Giacomoni, F., Caron,C. |
W4M Training
Date | Place | Training |
17-20/10/2022 | Sète, France | Chemomics : 3eme Ecole technique mixte chimiométrie-métabolomique - Bar camp ChemFlow/W4M |
15-19/03/2021 | Chemomics : 2eme Ecole technique mixte chimiométrie-métabolomique - Bar camp ChemFlow/W4M | |
11-15/10/2021 | Toulouse, France | Workflow4experimenters (W4E) course 2021 |
05-06/11/2020 | Breda, NDL | Avans Galaxy workshop - Y Guitton provide one presentation of W4M during Day 2 - Introduction of to XCMS, Analyzing LC-MS data with Galaxy by XCMS functions |
18-22/11/2019 | Sète, France | Chemomix : 1ere Ecole technique mixte chimiométrie-métabolomique - Bar camp ChemFlow/W4M |
21/01/2020 | Toulouse, France | Interactive tutorial, How to process LC-MS data with workflow4metabolomics.org - European RFMF Metabomeeting 2020 - Y Guitton, M. Tremblay-Franco, F. Giacomoni |
16-21/06/2019 | St Etienne, France | ETEC 2019 - Approches "Omiques" en ecologie chimique - Atelier Metabolomique avec W4M - B. Dieme |
21-23/03/2018 | EBI - UK | We host on our Infrastructure a training session (3 courses) and E. Thévenot provide one of these course |
11-15/09/2017 | Pula, Italy | Workflow4Metabolomics participates to CloudMET 2017, the 1st scientific school on Cloud-based Metabolomics Data Analysis and Collaboration. |
12-15/06/2017 | Lausanne, Switzerland | Metabolomics: from data to publication, Speaker Yann Guitton (LC-MS data pre-processing/MS data processing) |
6-9/06/2017 | Paris, France | Applications de R pour l’analyse de données spectroscopiques SM et RMN : XCMS et Batman. Alain PARIS (Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle) |
29/05-02/06/2017 | Paris, France | Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) international course 2017: Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse metabolomics data. Keynote speakers: Tim Ebbels (Imperial College), Steffen Neumann (IPB Halle) and Ralf Weber (Birmingham University). |
28-02/12/2016 | Roscoff, France | Workflow4Experimenters (W4E) course 2016: Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse metabolomics data |
08/11/2016 | Toulouse, France | Master in Structural and Functional Biology (Univ P. Sabatier) - Introduction to Statistics for Metabolomics and Proteomics - Marie Tremblay-Franco |
12-16/09/2106 | Sardenia, Italya | 2nd Metabolomics Sardinian Scientific School: How to bridge metabolomics and genomics - The Workflow4Metabolomics (W4M) online infrastructure for omics analysis with Galaxy [PDF] |
27/11/2015 | Tours, France | Atelier "Analyses multivariées des données métabolomiques" dans le cadre du workshop "Pharmaco-métabolomique et recherche de nouveaux biomarqueurs en onco-pharmacologie" |
21-25/09/2015 | Roscoff, France | Ecole-chercheurs : Traitement des données métabolomiques sur l'infrastructure online Workflow4Metabolomics |
19/05/2014 | RFMF / Lyon,France | Workshop: Initiation au traitement et à l'Analyse des données métabolomiques |
19-20/03/2014 | Clermont, France | Galaxy pour l'analyse de données métabolomique |
12-14/03/2014 | Roscoff, France | Galaxy for developper |
28/01/2014 | Roscoff, France | Galaxy pour l'analyse de données métabolomique |
Partners Training
08, 09 and 10th november, 2016 | Facultad de Agronomía, Montevideo, Uruguay | Master in Nutrition - Metabolomics as a tool for nutritional research - Dr S. Polakof |
26 - 29 September, 2016 | Lyon, France | Nutrition périnatale : Enjeux et conséquences pour l’alimentation humaine et les pratiques d’élevage - Dr N. Cabaton, JP Antignac, MC Alexandre |
26 November, 2015 | Camberra, Australia | Training in NMR data analysis |